Jordi Mendieta

Audiovisual producer.

@CCCB, 2017. Author: Miquel Taverna

Jordi Mendieta (1958) is an audiovisual producer. After completing his studies at ESADE he worked in the national and international marketing departments of different FMCG multinationals. He went on to work in advertising at Tandem DDB, where in 1992 he created the advertising producer Dream Team production.

Following a long career in the production, post-production and advertising management sector through companies such as CP Producers, Virtual Effects and Grup Media, he decided to create the Dream Team Concept, to make deeper inroads into the production of TV programmes, series and feature films such as La Masia de 1907 (2007), I Per Què? (2007), The Jameson Comedy (2008), Avions (2009), El Criminal (2010) Lluna Plena (2011), Salaó (2012), Prim: L’assassinat del carrer del Turco (2014), La Crisi Carnívora (2007), El Sexe dels Àngels (2011), Llops Bruts (2014) and Memòries d’un home en pijama (2017).

Update: 01/03/2017 12:00 am

Previous activities

Kosmopolis 17

How to produce new digital narrative projects

Isabel Fernández (Orgull de Baix), Aritz Cirbián (, Francisco Vargas Echeverría (Catalan Institute for Cultural Enterprises), Jordi Mendieta (Audiovisual Cluster of Catalonia) and Jordi Pi Muntadas (CCMA). Moderator: Lau Delgado (Producer)