


  • Thinking in Strips

    Thinking in Strips

    26 .01 .2017 - Jorge Carrión

    Now, at this turn of the century, the production and reading of graphic novels—books that use illustration and comic strips to tell stories with the scope and ambition of a novel—have been normalised. Stories that may be fictional, autobiographical or journalistic. Or even stories that are not necessarily narrative, but essayistic. Thinking in images, thinking in panels, thinking visually: human beings have always done it, but now the creative community and the editorial industry agree on the importance of developing the potential of these hybrid languages.

  • Mutants and mutations

    Mutants and mutations

    30 .06 .2015 - K Team

    On the occasion of the presentation of the collective book “Hijos del átomo” on the popular X-Men we interviewed some of the authors.