Kosmopolis 15
CCCB 18—22 March 2015
Wednesday 18
11.00 Pati Dones. Espai PictoEscriptura FreeFree
11.00 - 19.00 Pati Dones. Espai PictoEscriptura FreeFree
17.00 - 20.00 Beta Station FreeFree
18.00 Hall FreeFree
19.00 Theatre FreeFree
Alpha Channel
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: The danger of a single story (19')
The Gap by Ira Glass (2')
I Met the Walrus (5')
The History of Typography (5')
Anna Blume (9')
Alan Moore & Mitch Jenkins: His Heavy Heart (3')
Hotzanak, For Your Own Safety (5')
Font Men [PREMIERE] (6')
Boles (12')
1/17/25 20:25 Austerlitz (30')
19.00 Auditorium FreeFree -
20.25 Auditorium FreeFree
21.30 Auditorium FreeFree
Thursday 19
11.00 Mirador FreeFree
11.00 - 19.00 Pati Dones. Espai PictoEscriptura FreeFree
11.00 Pati Dones. Espai PictoEscriptura FreeFree
11.00 - 22.00 Beta Station FreeFree
11.30 Sala Raval FreeFree
Alberto Manguel, Jesús Fernández Álvarez and Neus Castellano
Night-time Libraries, Daytime Reading12.00 Mirador FreeFree -
What Is a Literary Agent and What do They Do?
Roser Herrera Fayos (Agencia Literaria Letras Propias)16.00 - 17.30 Courtyard. Space 1 FreeFree -
New Influencers: Who’s Telling us What to Read?
Javier del Puerto (crowdreading.com), Jenn Díaz (@JnnDiaz), Bernat Ruiz Domènech (scriptaverba.wordpress.com) and Carles A. Foguet (Jot Down). Moderator: Mariana Eguaras (Mariana Eguaras Consultoría Editorial)16.30 - 18.00 Courtyard. Space 2 FreeFree -
17.00 - 18.00 Sala Raval FreeFree
Alpha Channel
Alan Moore & Mitch Jenkins: His Heavy Heart (3')
The History of Typography (5')
Blackwood – How to Write a Blackwood Article (6')
En sortant de l’école: Les Belles Familles [PREMIERE] (3')
1/17/25 17:30 PoetryFilm 1 (60')
Cólera (7')
A Solitary World (5')
1/17/25 18:45 Patience (After Sebald) (90')
The Gap by Ira Glass (2')
I Met the Walrus (5')
1/17/25 20:30 Arts i oficis: Edició literària [PREMIERE] (30')
17.00 Auditorium FreeFree -
17.30 Pati Dones. Espai PictoEscriptura FreeFree
18.00 - 20.00 Courtyard. Space 1 FreeFree
Independent Publishers in Time: New-born, Young and Established
Laura Baena (Edicions de 1984), Daniel Osca (Sajalín), Laura Huerga Ayza (Raig Verd Editorial) and Gabriel Bravo (Editorial Morsa). Moderator: Martín Gómez (elojofisgon.com)18.30 - 20.00 Courtyard. Space 2 FreeFree -
Online Reading Platforms
Matilde Sanz (Nubico), Julieta Lionetti (24symbols), Sílvia Clemares (Kobo) and David Fernández (Lektu). Moderates: Mariana Eguaras (Mariana Eguaras Consultoría Editorial)18.30 - 20.00 Sala Raval FreeFree -
18.30 Hall 3 €
18.45 Auditorium FreeFree
19.30 Theatre 3 €
20.30 Auditorium FreeFree
20.30 Hall 3 €
Vinicio Capossela. Accompanied by Dimitris Mistakidis and Valeria Bergalli
Vinicio Capossela’s Greek Ledger21.30 Theatre 3 € -
22.00 Auditorium 4 €
Friday 20
11.00 Pati Dones. Espai PictoEscriptura FreeFree
11.00 - 19.00 Pati Dones. Espai PictoEscriptura FreeFree
11.00 - 22.00 Beta Station FreeFree
11.30 Mirador FreeFree
Book Fairs and Festivals as Scenarios for Business and Public Relations
Víctor Hurtado (Agencia Literaria VicLit)16.00 - 17.30 Courtyard. Space 1 FreeFree -
Alpha Channel
A Solitary World (5')
Cólera (7')
Wonderland USA [PREMIERE] (6')
From Paper to Screen (3')
1/17/25 16:30 Patience (After Sebald) (90')
Boles (12')
1/17/25 18:15
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)Font Men [PREMIERE] (6')
The Gap by Ira Glass (2')
1/17/25 20:00 PoetryFilm 2 (35')
Alice in Wonderland (1903) (10')
The History of Typography (5')
Anna Blume (9')
16.00 Auditorium FreeFree -
16.30 Pati Dones. Espai PictoEscriptura FreeFree
Apps and Literature
Efrén García (Play Creatividad), Quim Garreta (Cubus Games), Emma Llensa (Ubicuo Studio) and Marga M. Garriga (Sanoen). Moderator: Carles Sora (UPF)16.30 - 18.00 Courtyard. Space 2 FreeFree -
16.30 Auditorium FreeFree
17.00 Sala Raval FreeFree
Marjana Gaponenko, Abbas Khider and Klaus Hübner. Moderator: Jordi Soler
Adopting a Language. Winners of Germany’s Adelbert von Chamisso Prize18.00 Theatre FreeFree -
18.00 - 19.30 Courtyard. Space 1 FreeFree
Start-ups and Consolidated Publishers. A Necessary Collaboration
Santos Palazzi (Planeta), Blanca Rosa (Roca Editorial), Rosa Sala (Seebook) and Jordi Ingerto (Book Movies). Moderator: Javier Celaya (Dosdoce)18.30 - 20.00 Courtyard. Space 2 FreeFree -
The Lessons of Fiktion, an International Model Project on Digital Literature
Ingo Niermann (Fiktion)19.00 - 20.00 Sala Raval FreeFree -
19.30 Theatre 3 €
20.30 Hall 3 €
21.30 Theatre 4 €
Saturday 21
10.30 - 12.00 Courtyard. Space 1 FreeFree
The Dilemmas of Self-publishing. To Publish or To Be Published?
Benjamín Recacha, Daniel Jerez Torns, Julián Bueno Ardila (Llibres a mida), Carles Pujol (Editorial Alrevés). Moderator: Mariana Eguaras (Mariana Eguaras Consultoría Editorial)11.00 - 12.30 Courtyard. Space 2 FreeFree -
Alfa Kids
1/17/25 11:00 What would you say to Lewis Carroll? (60')
1/17/25 12:30 Bottomless (9')
1/17/25 12:45 Kérity, la casa dels contes (74')
11.00 Auditorium FreeFree -
11.00 Beta Station FreeFree
11.00 - 19.00 Pati Dones. Espai PictoEscriptura FreeFree
11.00 Pati Dones. Espai PictoEscriptura FreeFree
11.00 Auditorium FreeFree
11.30 - 12.30 Sala Raval FreeFree
11.30 Pati Dones. Espai PictoEscriptura FreeFree
11.30 Exhibition hall 6 €6 €
Family activity
Alicia, Ilaica, Liacia: Tangled Stories of Light
Pol Ducable, Marc Egea, Carles Belda and Jordi Vallverdú. Presents: Marta García-Matos11.30 Theatre 3 € -
11.30 Mirador FreeFree
12.30 Hall 3 €3 €
12.30 - 14.00 Courtyard. Space 1 FreeFree
12.30 Auditorium FreeFree
12.45 Auditorium FreeFree
New Business Models in The Publishing Industry: Abundance of Content, Forms of Access and Revenue Generation
Carmen Ospina (Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial)13.00 - 14.00 Sala Raval FreeFree -
Innovation in Libraries
Carme Fenoll (Biblioteques de la Generalitat), Maribel Riaza, Carme Galve (Biblioteca Jaume Fuster) and Albert Díaz (Centre de Documentació del Museu del Disseny de Barcelona). Moderator: Javier Celaya (Dosdoce)13.00 - 14.30 Courtyard. Space 2 FreeFree -
16.00 - 18.00 Courtyard. Space 1 FreeFree
Intellectual Property in The Digital World
Pascual Barberán (Barberán y González Abogados) - Videoconferencing16.30 - 17.30 Sala Raval FreeFree -
16.30 Exhibition hall FreeFree
Online Narratives in The Media
Ricard Marfà (Ara Interactius), César Vallejo (Lab RTVE), Ferran Clavell (TV3 – Mitjans digitals). Moderator: Carles Sora (UPF)16.30 - 18.00 Courtyard. Space 2 FreeFree -
16.30 Pati Dones. Espai PictoEscriptura FreeFree
Alpha Channel
Hotzanak, For Your Own Safety (5')
1/17/25 16:45 The Joycean Society (53')
Blackwood – How to Write a Blackwood Article (6')
Alice in Wonderland (1903) (10')
1/17/25 18:00 For No Good Reason (89')
The Gap by Ira Glass (2')
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: The danger of a single story (19')
From Paper to Screen (3')
A Solitary World (5')
1/17/25 20:00 Exile and the cloud (60')
16.30 Auditorium FreeFree -
17.00 Theatre 3 €
18.00 - 19.00 Sala Raval FreeFree
18.00 Hall 3 €
18.00 Auditorium FreeFree
Reading club
Jorge Franco (videoconferencing), Santiago Alberto Gutiérrez and Ricardo Reitano
Session of The Bcn-Medellín International Reading Club18.30 Mirador FreeFree -
18.30 Theatre 3 €
Bookshops and Survival Strategies
Abel Cutillas (La Calders), Alejo Cuervo (Gigamesh), Nicolás Weber (Re-Read) and Fe Fernández Villaret (L’espolsada Llibres). Moderator: Martín Gómez (elojofisgon.com)18.30 - 20.00 Courtyard. Space 2 FreeFree -
18.30 Pati Dones. Espai PictoEscriptura FreeFree
From Intuitive Publishing to Analytical Publishing Using Big Data
Pepe Verdes (Manuscritics)18.30 - 20.00 Courtyard. Space 1 FreeFree -
19.30 Hall 3 €
19.30 Sala Raval FreeFree
Hoda Barakat, Jordi Puntí and Alida Bremer. Presents: Misia Sert
Europe in Translation – The Schwob/Finnegan’s List Project20.30 Theatre FreeFree -
21.00 Hall 3 €
22.30 Theatre 4 €
Sunday 22
11.00 - 19.00 Pati Dones. Espai PictoEscriptura FreeFree
11.00 Pati Dones. Espai PictoEscriptura FreeFree
Mozart in the Jungle - S01 | E01 Pilot [Premiere]
Amazon Studios / Roman Coppola, Jason Schwartzman, Alex Timbers11.30 Auditorium FreeFree -
SERIAL or Investigative Journalism, Podcast Version
Carles Bosch, Marc Pastor and Serielizados11.30 Hall FreeFree -
Sebald Family Workshop. An artistic approach to the work and the ways of Sebald
Gonzalo Elvira and Rafa Castañer (GR)11.30 6 €6 € -
11.30 Exhibition hall FreeFree
12.00 Auditorium FreeFree
12.00 Pati Dones. Espai PictoEscriptura FreeFree
12.30 Hall FreeFree
12.30 Auditorium FreeFree
Presentation and screening
The Leftovers: Remains of a Series or Audiovisual Literature?
Aniol Rafel13.30 Hall FreeFree -
13.30 Auditorium FreeFree
Col·loqui i projecció
Escríbeme una serie [Premiere]
Aitor Gabilondo, Javier Olivares and Isabel Vázquez16.00 Hall FreeFree -
16.00 Auditorium FreeFree
Series for Social Change? From Sorkin to Simon: The Portrayal of Democracy in Television Fiction
Pep Prieto, Enric Ros and Serielizados17.30 Hall FreeFree -
Las series que surgieron del frío
CANAL+ / Spain, 2015, 55’, Spanish + Danish with Spanish subtitles17.30 Auditorium FreeFree -
Presentation and screening
In the Shadow of Carcosa: True Detective and Television Horror
Ivan Pintor18.30 Hall FreeFree -
18.30 Auditorium FreeFree
Recital i projecció
From Game of Thrones to Serial Poetry: Welcome to a New Season
Luna Miguel, Unai Velasco and Sergio Espinosa19.30 Hall FreeFree -
19.30 Auditorium FreeFree