The digital support has broken with traditionally separate formats to allow the unlimited expansion of the literary universe: video games, interactive comic books, literary apps… We present innovative home-grown cases to analyse the role of the narrative, whether that story can be told in another format, what the digital brings to paper and what is lost, what the business model is, and what public reception is like.
Round table
From the Book to the Screen and Beyond
Ana Mar López Contreras (Mars Oddity), Jordi Solà (Cubus Games), Carlos Coronado (Pamtumaca), Eva Domínguez (NUSHU-NEWSKID) and Iñaki Díaz (Appnormals Team). Moderator: Marisol López
- Saturday 25 March, 10.00 - 11.30
- Auditorium
- (Català) Gratuït