The work of Jean Echenoz and Jean-Yves Jouannais feature a series of elective affinities that go beyond the language. At some point in their career both have transited through an archaeology of disappearance in order to resuscitate men, works and remains that the present had caused to disappear. Thus, through the reappearance of essential but ignored elements, they have helped rewrite our concept of reality, transforming it based on what was already there but nobody attached value to and observing the parameters distanced from convention, something very visible in the essays of Jouannais, such as Artistas sin obra or El uso de las ruinas (Acantilado), and the biographical trilogy of Echenoz (where Ravel, Zatopek and Tesla take on a new dimension) or in his novel 14, a text that in addition to showing the absurdity of war, focuses on it without any epic sense to highlight its more invisible angles.
Jean Echenoz and Jean-Yves Jouannais. Moderator: Jordi Corominas
Appearances / Reappearances
- Thursday 23 March, 20.00 - 21.00
- Hall
- 3 €