Kosmopolis 19


Debat a bat (Wide Open Debate), Encouraging Dialogue with Young People Through Illustrated Albums

Mon Mas, Beatriz Martin Vidal and Martha Escudero

Stories Lab

  • Thursday 21 March, 10.00 - 13.00
  • Stories lab
  • Free. Registration required.

Debat a bat is a project created by Mon Mas to enable educational work with young people between the ages of 12 and 16 through illustrated albums. A universe in which art, literature and philosophy go hand in hand through images. The albums are the catalyst for dialogue and the spark for evoking questions amongst teenagers. In this workshop we explore how the spoken and written illustrated classics offer the chance to enter the labyrinth of major universal issues. They are the crack through which to see and explain the world through references and subjects that remain unchanged through the passage of time. One of the experiences that will be shared is that of BAT 08, based on the Enigmes album by Beatriz Martin Vidal. Library professionals working at Xarxa de Biblioteques Municipals of Barcelona take part in this last activity.

Workshop aimed at professionals from libraries.

With the support of