Kosmopolis 21


Claudia Durastanti and Stefanie Kremser

Being from Everywhere or Nowhere

The never-ending journey

  • Thursday 17 June, 17.30 - 18.45
  • Pati de les Dones
  • 3 €

Claudia Durastanti has lived in Brooklyn, Rome, London, and a small village in the Basilicata region of the south of Italy but she has always felt like a stranger, while Stefanie Kremser, who was born in Germany and has also lived at twenty-two different addresses in Brazil, Bolivia, New York, and Barcelona, has felt at home everywhere. With these two nomad writers, we shall talk about identities that are constructed on the basis of passport stamps and refer to their most recent books, L’estrangera (The Stranger – L’Altra Editorial / Anagrama) and Si aquest carrer fos meu (If This Street Were Mine – Edicions de 1984 / Entreambos), to discuss uprootedness, the sense of belonging, and the strategies the two women have adopted to find their place in the world.