Speculation is the departure point for many great stories. Ever since the Iliad, starting from a hypothetical “and if…” and exploring parallel universes, possible futures, and uchronian pasts, have allowed us to test the contradictions of our world. In today’s literature, speculative fiction continues to widen the horizons of the possible, as in Hervé Le Tellier’s L’anomalia (The Anomaly – Edicions 62 / Seix Barral), the novel that won the last Prix Goncourt and one of the books of the year in France. On the opening day of Kosmopolis 21, Hervé Le Tellier, author of this surprising bestseller and great lover of Oulipo’s games and literary constraints, will speak with the only Spanish member of this experimental group, the writer Pablo Martín Sánchez, author of a highly personal trilogy about identity, which concluded last year with Diario de un viejo cabezota (Diary of a Stubborn Old Man – Acantilado), a dystopian speculative work situated in Reus, in 2066. Not at all coincidentally, Pablo Martín Sánchez is also the translator into Spanish of L’Anomalie.
Closing the inaugural day, the poetry slammers Dani Orviz and Crisal Rodríguez will recite two creations inspired by the great themes of this Kosmopolis, namely our interplanetary future and coexistence among companion species.
This session will also be streamed through the CCCB website.