
Ways to enjoy Kosmopolis


16 March 2017

Kosmopolis 17 is already here. You will have five days to enjoy literature, to discover new authors, new stories, new ways of narrating and reading. To think about and discuss climate change, the mixture of genres and the prejudices that still exist on literature written by women. In K17 we think of vignettes, we recreate the Walk of Robert Walser and we invite to Edinburgh, another of the UNESCO’s literary capitals. And we also immerse ourselves in virtual reality to experience stories where you are a main part of the plot. When everything changes, there are plenty of reasons. Here you are some of the ways you can live the celebration.


By themes

You are obsessed with climate change. You read the news about the planet’s health, scientific reports, and the last incidents of pollution in your city. You wonder why humans strive to destroy our own habitat and think about the other inhabitants of the Earth, animals and plants. Are we humans still the measure of all things? Several centuries of science have not been enough to admit that plants feel, struggle and evolve, and that the same thing happens with animals, which are more intelligent and sensitive than we can imagine: Carl Safina, Stefano Mancuso and Hope Jahren will pave the way to non-human intelligences. The slammers will recite it to you and Kim Stanley Robinson and Ian Watson will explain why climate-fiction is imperative to raise awareness about climate change. Have we created a monster that we do not know how to stop? The answer will be floating in Kingdom, the new work in progress of the Agrupación Señor Serrano.

By genres

You have been hearing that novel is dead, that poetry fades, that essay is only for a few readers, and some still think that science fiction or crime fiction are minor genres. What a joy to see that in K17 none of this is true and at the same time, all genres imitate, corrupt and enrich between each other by creating new species that are still indefinable, experiments that may be a succeed or perhaps fail, but always to fail a bit closer.

By formats

Since the first edition in 2002 you are interested in the mutation and evolution of formats. You come to Kosmopolis to attend performative conferences, new performances, talk shows for the new century, novels written in just an afternoon, literary concerts, hybrids of dance and literature, workshops to activate imagination, children stories for intelligent children of all ages, music for chameleons, painted words, sung, filmed, dreamed, created by yourself, the main protagonist of a party designed for your mind to dance, your body think and your heart say YES.

For serendipity

You can come to discover artists without work, the secrets of Quirke or how would be Mars’ colonization. You may be curious about Daniel Tammet’s wonderful mind, Echenoz‘s creative prose, or Harry Hole‘s personality. You may be interested in the story of how Beckett worked with Buster Keaton, or how Bukowski’s nights were, or how were John Berger’s declining years. But it is also possible that you find something that you did not look for and that you did not know it was waiting for you, because it was for you, a gift for your soul that takes the shape of a song, a phrase that someone writes in the Patio, a new world that awaits you on a virtual reality device, a voice that are many voices, and all new ones.

By Internet

Kosmopolis can also be lived on the network. Inside and outside the CCCB. You have articles about all of these subjects in our webpage: The literature of change (climatic change), “The Walk” by Robert Walser in Kosmopolis, Non-human Intelligences, New formats and great classics. Literature in images on Channel Alpha, The future of reading, Women beyond topics, Thinking in vignettes, A journey through Scottish creativity with “Neu! Reekie!”. Join us in the networks, follow us on Twitter and join the events on Facebook. Share your photos and moments and tell us why you love literature. Make Kosmopolis the festival of amplified literature!
