Kosmopolis 23
Jeanette Winterson and Anna Guitart
Ghostly Intelligence
Journalist and scriptwriter for radio and television.
CCCB, 2018. CC BY-SA-NC Miquel Taverna
A scriptwriter and journalist specialising in literature and books, she started working at Ràdio Barcelona and then in Joan Barril’s programme La República at COM Ràdio, as well as being a member of Carles Bosch’s documentary team for Setembres. She has worked as a scriptwriter in several programmes including De què va (Canal 33), El bocamoll (TV3), and Via Llibre (Canal 33), and was director of the second season of the programme Savis (Canal 33). In 2015 she started presenting the books section of the programme Tria33 (Canal 33). Since 2017 she presents and directs the programme of literary interviews Tot el temps del món (Canal 33). She is currently an editorial advisor for the magazine El món d’ahir, and a contributor to El matí de Catalunya Ràdio, Tot es mou (TV3) and Llegim, the literary supplement of the newspaper Ara.
Previous activities
Kosmopolis 23
Ghostly Intelligence
Kosmopolis 19
The Sense of a Story
Kosmopolis 17
Dialogue Between Two Successful Authors of our Time