Shaina Machlus

Writer and journalist in a linked online community, she habitually publishes in digital media. Her first work is a pioneering guide for eradicating the rape culture, which is linked to the new wave of global feminism

© CCCB, Carlos Cazurro, 2019

Shaina Joy Machlus (New Jersey) is a writer, journalist, translator, teacher of English at Elisava (Barcelona) and a graduate in Biology and Health Sciences. Resident in Barcelona, her first book, La Palabra Más Sexy es Sí (Vergara, 2019), is considered a pioneering guide to talking about consent and the rape culture. It is a work in a fanzine format about sexual orientation, gender, feminism and sexual education, which has emerged as a need following the exposure on the social media networks of thousands of cases of harassment of women though the #MeToo movement.

She is the founder of Ricarda Editorial, a project whose objective is to introduce the work of women and artists outside of the binary gender in order to amplify voices and issues often ignored. A regular columnist in Tom Tom Magazine, Got a Girl Crush and La Directa, her articles can also be found in digital publications such as Broadly and Afroféminas.

Update: 18/03/2019 12:00 am


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