Kosmopolis 21
Presentation of the special number of ‘BRANCA’ magazine
The Rockets Came Like Locusts
A performing artist and poet, she does her creative work in the world of music.
Anna Pantinat trained at the Barcelona Municipal Conservatory; she is a singer, composer and poet. She is the author of the poetry collections Construcció de la Nit (Editorial Fonoll, 2013), Joan Duch de Juneda Prize; De sobte, un Estiu (laBreu Edicions, 2014), Ventura Gassol Award; and Qui no s’anomena (Món de llibres), Manacor City Poetry Prize. Musically, she collaborates with groups of very different styles, ranging from Circus Music to Synth-punk, playing and composing on the keyboard, theremin or trombone. She is currently the leader of the group Pentina’t Lula. She also collaborates with various media outlets, and her artistic proposals have been seen at festivals such as LEM, Embarrat or Poetry i +.
Previous activities
Kosmopolis 21
The Rockets Came Like Locusts