Kosmopolis 21
Sebastià Portell, Joaquín Rodríguez, and Angelina Cabré
Reading, between Pleasure and Need
With a long career as a writer and publisher, his interest is focused on the future of publishing, books, reading and bibliophilic obsessions
Joaquín Rodríquez holds a PhD in Sociology and is the director of the Master’s Degree in Publishing at the University of Salamanca in collaboration with Grupo Santillana de Ediciones. He is also the editor in chief of the journal Archipiélago. Cuadernos de Crítica de la Cultura and leads the project for the digitisation and digital publication of cultural magazines for ARCE and the Instituto Cervantes. He has collaborated on various collections of fiction and non-fiction, as an advisor and editor, for publishers such as Paidós, Alea and Siglo XXI, among others. From 2003 to 2006 he was director of publishing and digital content for La Residencia de Estudiantes, CSIC. He is the author of several books that reflect on the passion for reading and the work of publishing, including Edición 2.0. Los futuros del libro (Melusina, 2007) and La furia de la lectura. Por qué seguir leyendo en el siglo XXI (Tusquets, 2021). He is also the author of works of fiction such as Las mujeres que vuelan (Lengua de trapo, 2007) and essays such as Pierre Bourdieu. Sociología y subversión (Editorial La Piqueta, 2002).
Previous activities
Kosmopolis 21
Reading, between Pleasure and Need