Kosmopolis 17


Canal Alfa

Short Films Selection

Alpha Channel

  • Friday 24 March, 17.30 - 18.00
  • Auditorium
  • Free
  • Beer by Charles Bukowski

    Nerdo Creative Studio / Italy, 2016, 2’15’’, Original version with Catalan subtitles

    Beer is a free interpretation of the poem Beer by Charles Bukowski. The composition is a manifesto of the author’s way of life, which is why we decide to go inside the author’s mind, and it is not a safe journey. A brain without a filter, a tale of ordinary madness, showing how much loneliness and decadence can be concealed in the mind of a genius.

  • Gonzo @ The Derby

    Michael D. Ratner / United States, 2016, 13’02’’, Original version with Catalan subtitles

    The lasting legacy of the 1970 Kentucky Derby has nothing to do with the winner, Dust Commander. Its true impact was provided by the assignment that Scanlan’s Monthly gave to a 32-year-old writer from Louisville, named Hunter S. Thompson.

  • Beti Bezperako Koplak. Coplas de una noche sin mañana

    Agenda Kopla Taldea / Spain, 2016, 5’22’’, Original version with Spanish subtitles

    Based on the celebration of Saint Agatha’s eve, a festive Basque tradition where people go from house to house, accompanied by bertsolaris, singing verses to the rhythm of beating sticks, the bertsolari Maialen Lujanbio offers a gritty condemnation of gender violence. Taking these verses, 20 young artists direct a work of collective creation, using different animation techniques.