In The Boundless Sea, his latest book published in Spanish, David Abulafia writes about what he defines as a “World Ocean”, a global mass of intermingled waters that the ancient geographers called okeanós. This concept has been revived recently and is one of the theses that Abulafia shares with Isabel Soler, author of Magallanes & Co (Acantilado, 2022). Soler’s work focuses on Renaissance travel literature and has examined how voyages transform humanity’s physical image and psychological sense of the world. The influence of the oceans on history, culture and politics is the backbone of this multifaceted conversation, moderated by Manel Ollé, author of several books that focus on the Pacific, such as his latest publication Islas de plata, imperios de seda (Silver Islands, Silk Empires).
David Abulafia will participate by videoconference.