Aina Huguet

An actress and playwright, she is the author and director of Rastres_Argelers, which premiered at the Maldà Theatre in 2018

Aina Huguet holds a degree in Dramatic Art from the Institut del Teatre and a degree in Catalan Philology from the University of Barcelona. She is the author, director and star of Rastres_Argelers, a play about Civil War refugees in French concentration camps, produced by the El Maldà theatre and premiered there in November 2018. As an actress, she has performed in El llarg dinar de Nadal, for the company La Ruta40, winner of the Butaca Award for Best Small-Format Play, and has worked with directors such as Toni Casares, Pere Planella and Albert Mestres, among others. She has also worked with La Fura dels Baus and the company Mamut Cinema. In the field of audio-visuals, her work includes the leading role in the Norwegian film Prematur, directed by Gunhild Enger, which has been named best short film at multiple international film festivals.

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