Kosmopolis 21
Moveo Company
A company that combines theatre and dance, their performances explore the narrative possibilities of the body.
Cia Moveo is a performing arts company co-founded by Stéphane Lévy, Sophie Kasser and Olivier Décriaud. Their performances include the play Echoes, the last in a trilogy dedicated to the relationship between reality and fiction, following Tu vas tomber! and Conseqüències. In this trilogy, the company explores, playfully and ironically, the contradictions between the need for belonging and the need to exist as an individual. In their interventions, they use a unique and profoundly physical language that mixes theatre, dance and acrobatics, creating a collective experience. Throughout their career, which has taken them to international stages such as the International Imaginarius Festival in Portugal, they have received multiple awards, including the Award for Best Dance Performance at the International Theatre and Dance Fair in Huesca in 2015 and the Moritz Award for the Best Street Art Proposal at FiraTàrrega in 2017.
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Kosmopolis 21