Beatriz Liebe

Theatre director and cultural manager. She is a member of Teatronika, a project that investigates the role of robotics in culture and the arts.

© CCCB, Miquel Taverna, 2019

Beatriz Liebe has been involved in the development of various projects that explore the boundaries of the performing arts and expression. Some of them are the Altre Festival Internacional d’Arts Escèniques i Salut Mental, the Festival Dramatúrgia sobre la Crisi PIIGS, and the interdisciplinary project Teatronika: robotics for society, culture and arts.

With Teatronika, together with Martí Sànchez Fibla, a researcher in the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning group at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, she helps creates bridge to narrow the gap between robotics and all audiences. One of their most recent proposals was the Theatrical Scripts for Robots Contest, which led to the publication of a book that contains the 10 winning scripts and articles by Miquel Barceló and Stefan Kaegi (Rimini Protokoll).

Update: 14/02/2019 12:00 am

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