Núria Martínez-Vernis

A poet, her work as a writer is based on experimenting with other artistic disciplines.

(Català) © Francesc Gelonch

Núria Martínez-Vernis’ first book of poems L’acròbata tampoc no en sortirà il·lès (La Magrana) was awarded the Amadeu Oller Prize in 2000 and the Anna Dodas Memorial Literary Prize. Quantes mentides fan una sola veritat (Proa, 2004), her second book, won the Josep M. López-Picó Award. She is a member of the group Cataclístics, which experiments, investigates and mixes artistic disciplines. Her third collection is Deix on dir (Edicions 62, 2013), with a poetry that stands out for departing from conventional parameters. Her latest publication, in collaboration with Martí Sales, is Alcohols. Aproximacions als graus (Vibop, 2020), a poetic proposal presented in the form of disordered narratives that was developed from a play of the same name performed at La Seca Espai Brossa in 2015.

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