Kosmopolis 19
Laura Huerga, Llucia Ramis and Luna Miguel
Why Women will Save the Planet
Journalist and Editor of Caballo de Troya. Author of novels, essays and collections of poems, she has recently published El funeral de Lolita.
© CCCB, Carlos Cazurro, 2019
Luna Miguel (Alcalá de Henares, 1990) lives in Barcelona, where she works as a journalist and editor. She is the author of the novel El funeral de Lolita (2018), of the collections of poems El arrecife de las sirenas (2017), Los estómagos (2015), La tumba del marinero (2013), Poetry is not dead (2010) and Estar enfermo (2010), as well as the essays El coloquio de las perras (to be published in 2019) and El dedo. Breves apuntes sobre la masturbación femenina (2016). In 2019 and 2020 she will be joint editor together with Antonio J. Rodríguez of the imprint Caballo de Troya.
Update: 13/03/2019 12:00 am
Previous activities
Kosmopolis 19
Why Women will Save the Planet
Kosmopolis 15
Luna Miguel, Unai Velasco and Sergio Espinosa