Marc Pastor (Barcelona, 1977) is a Catalan writer of genre novels who forms part of the scientific section of the Catalan Mossos d’Esquadra police force. The author of Montecristo, La mala dona, L’any de la plaga, Bioko, Farishta and Els àngels em miren, his works have been translated into over half a dozen languages (English, Japanese, German, Italian, French, Czech, Hungarian, Polish and Korean). He has also published short stories in the anthologies The Wire. 10 dosis de la mejor serie de televisión and Mossos d’Esquadra, els casos de ficció. When searching for information about murder cases on Google, it is not due to any disorder but because of his profession. As he says himself, he has the gift of postmonition and writes “about the human soul even if it is disguised as adventures”.
Update: 15/02/2019 12:00 am