Kosmopolis 23
Borja Bagunyà, Aleix Plademunt, Joan Llort, and Tarta Relena
Odysseus, Sirens, and Robots in the Mediterranean of the Twenty-First Century
Photographer and co-founder of the publishing project Ca l’Isidret.
© Image courtesy of Aleix Plademunt
Aleix Plademunt is a photographer who co-founded the publishing project Ca l’Isidret which, since 2011, has produced more than twenty-five publications of particular interest for, and receptiveness in the areas of photography, criticism, essay, and visual language. He is author of the books Matter (Ca l’Isidret + Spector Books, 2022), Antimatter (Ca l’Isidret + Comunidad de Madrid, 2022), Intempèries/Hinterlands (Ca l’Isidret, 2021), Iberia (Ca l’Isidret, 2019), Un passaggio (A Passage, Ca l’Isidret, 2017), 森下Morishita (Ca l’Isidret, 2017), Almost There (MACK and Ca l’Isidret, 2013), Ca l’Isidret (Ca l’Isidret, 2012), and Movimientos de suelo (Ground Movements, Ca l’Isidret, 2011). Since 2003, he has held more than twenty-five solo exhibitions, and participated in more than sixty. Notable among these is the solo show “Matter” in Sala Canal de Isabel II, Madrid, and the Centre de la Photographie Genève, his participation in the exhibition “Apunts per a un incendi dels ulls. Panorama 21” (Notes for an Eye Fire: Panorama 21), which was curated by Hiuwai Chu + Latitudes at the MACBA, Barcelona, and exhibitions of the project Almost There in Le Bal (Paris), IMA Gallery (Tokyo), Photoforum PasquArt (Biel, Switzerland), among others.
His most recent book, Matter, has received prizes in the PhotoEspaña, Stiftung Buchkunst, and Swiss Culture awards.
Previous activities
Kosmopolis 23
Odysseus, Sirens, and Robots in the Mediterranean of the Twenty-First Century