Kosmopolis 23
Silvia Ferrara and Javier Velaza
The History of the World in Nine Scripts
Professor of Latin Philology and poet, he studies the history of transmission of texts.
© Image courtesy of Javier Velaza
Javier Velaza is Professor of Latin Philology and Dean of the Faculty of Philology and Communication at the University of Barcelona as well as being a poet and writer. His main areas of research are Roman and Pre-Hispanic epigraphy, classical literature, and the history of transmission of texts. His research was recognised with an award from the Generalitat (Government) of Catalonia in 2003. He is head researcher of the Grup Littera (Laboratory for Research into and Treatment of Roman and Ancient Epigraphic Texts) at the University of Barcelona.
He has also published several collections of poems, some of which have been awarded prizes. His Mal de amores y latines (Love and Latin Sick, Medialuna, 1996) received the Ángel Urrutia Iturbe Prize; Enveses (Undersides, Hiperión, 2018) received the Valencia Prize for Poetry in Spanish; De mudanzas (On Moving, Castalia, 2020) received the Twenty-third Tiflos Award for Poetry, and El campamento de los aqueos (The Camp of the Aquaeans, Visor, 2022), the Forty-second International Prize for Poetry of the City of Melilla. Among the books he has published as a result of his research are La historia del texto de Terencio en la Antigüedad (The History of Text of Terence in Antiquity, Publicacions i Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona, 2007) and Epigrafía y llengua ibéricas (Iberian Epigraphy and Language, Arco Libros, 1996). Javier Velaza also writes as a literary, opera, and classical music critic in several media outlets.
Previous activities
Kosmopolis 23
The History of the World in Nine Scripts