“Lady Chatterley’s Tinderbot” is a work of art in the form of an interactive touchscreen that contains dialogues between Tinder users and an artificial intelligence bot that pretends to be characters from the romantic novel Lady Chatterley’s Lover. This bot, available at the Stories Lab Exhibition, recognises the gender of the people it speaks to and interacts with them using fragments from the work by D. H. Lawrence. The scientist Libby Heaney presents this installation which, through an experimental deconstruction method, explores love in a postdigital age: it brings together humans and non-humans and predigital and postdigital love machines, specifically the literary novel and Tinder. Is there any difference between a relationship at the start of the 20th century and now? Can we believe everything that happens on our screens? What will the role of AI be in our lives?
«Lady Chatterley’s Tinderbot»
With Libby Heaney
- Friday 22 March, 17.00 - 17.30
- Stories lab
- Free