Kosmopolis 17
Jean Echenoz and Jean-Yves Jouannais. Moderator: Jordi Corominas
Appearances / Reappearances
Writer, literary critic and cultural agent, he is creator of the multidisciplinary project Loopoesía.
© CCCB, 2017. Author: Miquel Taverna
Jordi Corominas (Barcelona, 1979) is a writer who holds a degree in Humanities and a Master’s degree in History from the Pompeu Fabra University. He has published three novels: Una dona que sap jugar amb els peus (Abadia Editors, 2004), Colors (Abadia Editors, 2008) and José García (Barataria, 2012) and various non-fictional works prominently including the historical biography in Italian Macrina la Madre (Jaca Book, 2005) and Barcelona 1912: el caso Enriqueta Martí (Sílex, 2014). At the end of 2017 he will be publishing an essay on Europe based on his walks around the Continent’s cities. Corominas is creator of the project Loopoesía, which since 2009 has aimed to bring verse to people through poetic recitals with screenings and careful staging. He has translated into Spanish the poetry of Jean Cocteau in the anthology La mentira que siempre dice la verdad (Salto de Página, 2015) and he is a regular contributor to El Diario, El Confidencial, Ràdio 4 and Radio 3.
Update: 31/01/2017 12:00 am
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Kosmopolis 17
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