Kosmopolis 15


Online Narratives in The Media

Ricard Marfà (Ara Interactius), César Vallejo (Lab RTVE), Ferran Clavell (TV3 – Mitjans digitals). Moderator: Carles Sora (UPF)

Periodisme XXIBookcamp IV. Els límits del llibre

  • Saturday 21 March, 16.30 - 18.00
  • Courtyard. Space 2
  • Free

Just like in the editorial and literary environment, the narrative possibilities of the Internet’s new audiovisual formats are a trend in most international media, such as The New York Times, the BBC, ARTE, NFB and The Guardian, producing projects like the NYT’s interactive Snow Fall, winner of the 2013 Pulitzer Prize for Feature Writing. Narrative journalism, documentary narratives and fictional series are being reformulated in keeping with the Internet’s technological possibilities. The Spanish media are also, to varying degrees, joining this transformation from different viewpoints or interests. This debate deals with the possibilities of online digital narrative and the strategies being used by the guests to adapt to the medium.
