Bookcamp IV. Els límits del llibre
The literary and publishing ecosystem is facing a major transformation, an uncertain future that Kosmopolis has explored on other occasions. Bookcamp 4 will be looking at the limits and possibilities of the book format from different viewpoints. What opportunities does the digital surround offer to expand stories? Why is there a resistance to exchanging print for e-books? How are major publishing mergers and international sales platforms combining with the boom in new publishers and local bookstores? Can we all be authors? What about the rights of the reader? A programme of workshops, talks and case presentations offers a place to discuss and work on these questions.
All Bookcamp activities are free and open until full capacity is reached.
Thursday 19
16.00 - 17.30 Courtyard. Space 1 FreeFree
New Influencers: Who’s Telling us What to Read?
Javier del Puerto (, Jenn Díaz (@JnnDiaz), Bernat Ruiz Domènech ( and Carles A. Foguet (Jot Down). Moderator: Mariana Eguaras (Mariana Eguaras Consultoría Editorial)16.30 - 18.00 Courtyard. Space 2 FreeFree -
17.00 - 18.00 Sala Raval FreeFree
18.00 - 20.00 Courtyard. Space 1 FreeFree
Independent Publishers in Time: New-born, Young and Established
Laura Baena (Edicions de 1984), Daniel Osca (Sajalín), Laura Huerga Ayza (Raig Verd Editorial) and Gabriel Bravo (Editorial Morsa). Moderator: Martín Gómez ( - 20.00 Courtyard. Space 2 FreeFree -
Online Reading Platforms
Matilde Sanz (Nubico), Julieta Lionetti (24symbols), Sílvia Clemares (Kobo) and David Fernández (Lektu). Moderates: Mariana Eguaras (Mariana Eguaras Consultoría Editorial)18.30 - 20.00 Sala Raval FreeFree -
20.30 Auditorium FreeFree
Friday 20
Book Fairs and Festivals as Scenarios for Business and Public Relations
Víctor Hurtado (Agencia Literaria VicLit)16.00 - 17.30 Courtyard. Space 1 FreeFree -
Apps and Literature
Efrén García (Play Creatividad), Quim Garreta (Cubus Games), Emma Llensa (Ubicuo Studio) and Marga M. Garriga (Sanoen). Moderator: Carles Sora (UPF)16.30 - 18.00 Courtyard. Space 2 FreeFree -
18.00 - 19.30 Courtyard. Space 1 FreeFree
Start-ups and Consolidated Publishers. A Necessary Collaboration
Santos Palazzi (Planeta), Blanca Rosa (Roca Editorial), Rosa Sala (Seebook) and Jordi Ingerto (Book Movies). Moderator: Javier Celaya (Dosdoce)18.30 - 20.00 Courtyard. Space 2 FreeFree -
The Lessons of Fiktion, an International Model Project on Digital Literature
Ingo Niermann (Fiktion)19.00 - 20.00 Sala Raval FreeFree
Saturday 21
10.30 - 12.00 Courtyard. Space 1 FreeFree
The Dilemmas of Self-publishing. To Publish or To Be Published?
Benjamín Recacha, Daniel Jerez Torns, Julián Bueno Ardila (Llibres a mida), Carles Pujol (Editorial Alrevés). Moderator: Mariana Eguaras (Mariana Eguaras Consultoría Editorial)11.00 - 12.30 Courtyard. Space 2 FreeFree -
11.30 - 12.30 Sala Raval FreeFree
12.30 - 14.00 Courtyard. Space 1 FreeFree
New Business Models in The Publishing Industry: Abundance of Content, Forms of Access and Revenue Generation
Carmen Ospina (Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial)13.00 - 14.00 Sala Raval FreeFree -
Innovation in Libraries
Carme Fenoll (Biblioteques de la Generalitat), Maribel Riaza, Carme Galve (Biblioteca Jaume Fuster) and Albert Díaz (Centre de Documentació del Museu del Disseny de Barcelona). Moderator: Javier Celaya (Dosdoce)13.00 - 14.30 Courtyard. Space 2 FreeFree -
16.00 - 18.00 Courtyard. Space 1 FreeFree
Intellectual Property in The Digital World
Pascual Barberán (Barberán y González Abogados) - Videoconferencing16.30 - 17.30 Sala Raval FreeFree -
Online Narratives in The Media
Ricard Marfà (Ara Interactius), César Vallejo (Lab RTVE), Ferran Clavell (TV3 – Mitjans digitals). Moderator: Carles Sora (UPF)16.30 - 18.00 Courtyard. Space 2 FreeFree -
18.00 - 19.00 Sala Raval FreeFree
Bookshops and Survival Strategies
Abel Cutillas (La Calders), Alejo Cuervo (Gigamesh), Nicolás Weber (Re-Read) and Fe Fernández Villaret (L’espolsada Llibres). Moderator: Martín Gómez ( - 20.00 Courtyard. Space 2 FreeFree -
From Intuitive Publishing to Analytical Publishing Using Big Data
Pepe Verdes (Manuscritics)18.30 - 20.00 Courtyard. Space 1 FreeFree